Simulation of Dehydration Amount

ex) 1hour: enter 60Min 1.5hour: enter 90Min

If no check, celsius is used as the unit for WBGT


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When you don't know your average target heart rate
(1) You can use the "maximum effort at **% intensity" (average exercise intensity) as a substitute to estimate target heart rate.
Heart Rate (HR) = Exercise Intensity × (Maximum HR - Resting HR) + Resting HR
[ In this calculation, Maximum HR = 211 - ( Age × 0.64 ) ]
You can adjust the value of target heart rate to match the predicted exercise intensity after entering any heart rate.

(2) You can sustitute by entering the value that is ten times of the Rate of Perceived Exertion(RPE) by Borg Scale. As for details, please see the glossary.

In Japan, you can check WBGT predictions and records in Heat Illness Prevention Information by Ministry of the Environment.
(Available from late April to late October)
In the U.S., National Digital Forecast Database by National Weather Service is available.
Otherwise, you can estimate by actual measurements or formulas.

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